Romanian Household PV Panel Capacity Reaches 1,650 MW, Nearly Matching Commercial PV Parks

The capacity of PV panels installed by Romanian households (prosumers) reached 1,554 MW at the end of February, as reported by ANRE head George Niculescu, and currently stands at 1,650 MW according to This nearly matches the 1,626 MW capacity of dispatched PV parks in the country's energy system at the end of February. Both corporate investors and households show strong interest in PV installations, confirmed by the head of ANRE.
Household PV panels delivered 27 GWh of electricity to the grid in January, according to Transelectrica, who published this data for the first time. This figure reflects the power injected into the grid, with total production being higher as some was consumed by the prosumers themselves.
Dispatched PV parks generated 99 GWh of electricity in January, a 77% increase year-on-year. At the end of January, the installed capacity of household PV panels was 1,502 MWp.