Polish Ministry of Finance Denies Plans for New Photovoltaic Tax Amidst Media Speculation

Polish Ministry of Finance Denies Plans for New Photovoltaic Tax Amidst Media Speculation

The Ministry of Finance has refuted recent media reports about the introduction of a new photovoltaic tax, clarifying that no such tax is being planned. According to the ministry's statement, ongoing amendments to the Act on Local Taxes and Fees aim to clarify existing regulations without imposing additional financial burdens on taxpayers or altering municipal tax revenues.

The ministry emphasized that the current and proposed laws will only tax the construction elements of photovoltaic (PV) farms, such as supporting structures, and not the installations or panels themselves. The ministry reiterated that photovoltaic farms are not, and will not be, fully subject to property tax.

The statement also addressed concerns that arose from public consultations and a consensus conference involving ministries, municipalities, and entrepreneurs, underscoring that no new taxes on air conditioners, generators, or photovoltaic panels have been considered. The dissemination of false information about potential higher taxation has been criticized for unnecessarily alarming citizens and businesses.

The amendments aim to dispel any doubts regarding the scope of taxation for PV installations, ensuring that only the construction components are taxed, maintaining the fiscal status quo.

Source: Gramwzielone