Bulgaria Launches First Hydrogen Filling Station and Car, Says IEES-BAS Expert

Bulgaria Launches First Hydrogen Filling Station and Car, Says IEES-BAS Expert

In an interview with BTA, Professor Blagoy Burdin from the Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IEES-BAS) revealed that Bulgaria and the region's first hydrogen filling station and hydrogen car have been introduced as part of the Energy Systems Field Laboratory of Integrated 6. This initiative is part of the HITMOBIL Competence Center, led by IEES-BAS.

Unveiled in December 2023, Field Laboratory 6 and the hydrogen filling station aim to demonstrate hydrogen technology to society, businesses, and other stakeholders. The Center of Excellence provides expert opinions on hydrogen's application in transport, which is crucial for the energy sector.

Professor Burdin highlighted hydrogen's benefit in balancing energy production, allowing energy storage as hydrogen and subsequent use in vehicles. Currently, the cost of hydrogen cars is comparable to high-end battery electric vehicles but is expected to decrease in the coming years.

Hydrogen vehicles offer several advantages, including a quick refueling time of 4 to 5 minutes and a range of over 500 kilometers. Additionally, they emit only water vapor, producing no exhaust fumes.

Burdin emphasized that the primary obstacle to widespread hydrogen vehicle adoption is the lack of infrastructure, as hydrogen cars require specialized filling stations. He noted that while electric cars can be charged at home, hydrogen cars need stations that compress hydrogen to the required pressure.

By 2031, an EU regulation mandates member states to establish hydrogen filling infrastructure along Europe's road network. Burdin believes this will facilitate the development and adoption of hydrogen vehicles. Bulgaria is in the early stages of building such infrastructure but has adopted a roadmap for hydrogen development. The HITMOBIL Center of Excellence plays a crucial role in supporting this infrastructure development in Bulgaria.

Source: KossovaPress